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Trim Tabs

Trim Tab Operation

Head Sea — Lower both tabs slightly by pressing Bow Down on both sides. this brings bow down while maintaining speed. This adjustment allows the hull of the boat to absorb the impact of the waves, resulting in a more efficient and smoother ride.

Following Sea — Make sure the tabs are fully retracted by pressing Bow Up on both sides. This brings both tabs to a fully retracted position decreasing lift in the stern, allowing the bow to rise. If tabs are deployed, the bow may dig.

Windy Chop — To raise the windward side of the boat press Bow Up on that side. If this is not sufficient, press Bow Down on the leeward side of the boat. Do not overtrim when attempting this. This allows the windward side of the boat to rise and minimizes spray.

Lenco Marine is the true industry leader in the marine and boating world – manufacturing not only trim tabs but also electric actuators, hatch lifts, switches and the all new Auto Glide boat leveling system.

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Lenco Electric Actuators -24VOLT-
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